Your brain is not wired for change.

Every time you want to cheat on your diet or skip your workout – your brain will think up a million excuses and justifications.

This truly is a mind-set game.

And you CAN beat it by doing the hard things over and over again.

By repeatedly doing the hard stuff your brain will quiet down as you get tougher and more mentally strong.

I do not issue a generic training and diet plan.

I help people work towards becoming the best that they can be.

And that means – helping people progress and level up their whole life… but the journey starts right here in the gym.

Please don’t message me questions expecting a compromise on my programs and diets.

It’s pretty clear what you need to do after reading the literature on your program.

Zero substitutes.

Zero adjustments.

Zero compromises.

Everything is in my programs for a REASON!

If you don’t follow it ALL – you won’t get ALL the benefits.

It’s a mental toughness program as well as a gym and diet plan.

Everything I ask you to do is very specific for a specific RESULT!

… If you think you know better, great, do whatever the fuck you want.

It doesn’t bother me.

If it isn’t obvious to you, though, that this is the problem with your entire life… then I can’t help you.

You have to remove your ego, allow me to coach you – with zero adjustments, compromises and excuses… and allow the program to do its work.

Remove what you think you know from previous gym experiences.

Or, don’t.

Keep being like you always have.

Makes no difference to me, just don’t waste my time.

Here’s what you’ve gotta’ do.

If there’s ever a situation when you’re following my programs – and you need to make a decision about what you should do…… DO THE HARDER CHOICE.

In-fact – if you’re following any program for that matter, not just mine… DO THE HARDER OPTION!

The fact that you’re still thinking about/or looking for shortcuts and compromise is EXACTLY THE POINT!

Your life is less than you want it to be because you don’t do this.

You look for the easiest, shortest “hack” to get where you want to go… AND THAT is exactly why you never get there.

The reason you never achieve the body you want, have the relationships you want or make the money/have the career you want is all because of THAT POINT!

If you do the minimum, with zero investment or intent other than to just coast through with no challenge… just stop!!

You’ll never get anything out of it.

Follow my programs with your all, instead.

You’ll see the same results as everyone else that’ve followed my programs in the past and gave it their all.

It’s not meant to be easy.

It’s supposed to challenge you.

If it’s challenging you that’s good.

That means your breaking the mould.

There’s gotta’ be sacrifice, effort and determination to break bad habits and start to form new ones.

But, with my support, guidance, support, structure, experience, knowledge and accountability – I make it as easy as I can for you.

Or, you can continue figuring it out on your own.

Sign up for the 21 Day Challenge HERE! 

I GUARANTEE, you’ll come back to me WITHIN 7-14 days and say, “Si, I feel the best I’ve ever felt for years!” and “I wish I got started with this earlier.”


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