Some very strange, new ingredients are being added to our foods being sold in supermarkets, some which have been clinically studied, and proven to be quite unnatural for the human system to be ingesting.

When a person becomes truly aware of the ingredients added to certain foods today, one’ will come to eventual realization that 97% of the food sold in grocery stores probably shouldn’t be consumed by humans.

These largely toxic ingredients fit into 8 categories of additives; chemical sweeteners, preservatives, regulators, binding agents, colorings/dyes, flavorings, thickeners, other additives.

Sure, the body is designed to “cope” – get rid of and deal with waste/toxic matter.

Two of the main ways the body “copes” with these toxins – 1) is to strip away waste elements and store the toxins within adipose tissues and fat cells.

Once the toxins are stored away deep inside fat cells – they are no longer toxic to the body.

AND… 2) the bodies filtration system is designed to excrete waste products.

So my point is…

Sure, the body can “cope”.

But it’s definitely not a good idea to just cope.

It’s not a good idea to constantly be piling these 8 different categories of additives into your body daily.

Some of these chemicals are listed as known carcinogens or known to increase carcinogenic activity.

Most of them are known to cause health issues, some of them – MAJOR health concerns.

Lastly, regularly consuming these 8 different categories of additives makes naturally achieving a lean, ripped, shredded, cover model physique complete with a full bill of perfect health – almost impossible.

By full bill of perfect health I mean:

  • Perfect Digestion, no IBS, no bloatedness, no stomach or colonic issues.
  • Perfect blood readings.
  • Perfect blood pressure & cholesterol.
  • Good sleep quality.
  • Skyrocketed energy levels, no mid morning or afternoon crashes.
  • Great fitness levels.
  • Optimal bodyfat levels.
  • Perfect hormonal balances, good mood, good emotions, good drive, good sex drive, good confidence, focus, concentration and motivation – no sluggishness or lethargy.

Understanding or accepting the importance of that list above is when you will begin to make true progress and finally begin to take control of your health, fitness & life!

This is when we step into our true power and begin making our own foods, our own sauces, our own snacks, our own recipes – instead of leaving that up to the soulless corporations who only care about their bottom-line profits or their hidden agenda.

When the human body comes out of an unnatural state that was induced by chemicals and ingredients in the food and water supply – it is much like a VEIL over our head has been lifted.

Thoughts get clearer. Motivation is stronger. Sleep gets better. We become more focused, driven and we come out of what feels like a lethargic, sluggish drug induced state.

Changing your diet and incorporating natural, clean foods as well as clinically proven organic and wild crafted substances has a profound effect on day to day life and can lift anyone in humanity out of a slumbering state.

It’s hard to accept.

But when you come to realization of the importance of cooking from scratch and focusing on your health first – that’s when the real progress begins.

SO… how does one’ go about making the necessary changes and what do I recommend?

You’ve gotta’ begin checking labels on packaged, processed and manufactured foods.

You’ll soon see that you can no longer consume 97% of foods that are sold in supermarkets which you used to eat…

The first struggle will usually be – what the fuck can I actually eat then?

The truth is 80/90% of the time you need to be eating “CLEAN FOODS”.

No additives 80/90% of the time.

To do that requires the lifestyle change that everyone knows about.

Changing habits.

Gradually replacing old, bad habits with new, healthy ones.

Planning. Bulk cooking. Getting organized and prepared. Following rituals. Being consistent.

… But doing it in a way where it’s maintainable.

It’s no good trying to make too many changes all at once. It’s gotta’ be a gradual process if it’s gunna’ stick long term.

It’s hard.

And eating “clean” can get pretty bland, plain and boring leaving you with limited choice.

Those who already know the importance of eating super clean and healthy usually eat the “3 plate diet”.

You know…. Chicken, rice & broccoli. Chicken, salad & new potatoes. Tuna, rice & salad. Rice cakes, peanut butter & fruit.

Boring stir frys, basic meals.

Nothin’ wrong with eating like that… But if you’re like me… You want more taste and flavor sometimes.

That’s why I’ve spent over 12 months creating and investing in building a recipe database of over 500 “CLEAN” recipes.

To help you add taste, flavor and variation to your clean eating diet.

I’ve invested THOUSANDS to work with a professional chef, graphic designer and photographer so that I own the recipe and imagery license and rights for each recipe.

I did this initially to help my clients because while they understood the importance of eating clean…

The most common questions I got were…

“What can I eat for breakfast?”
“How much protein should I be eating?”
“What snacks can I have?”
“What are some more ideas for meals to have?”

Every single recipe has calories and macros (protein,carbs,fat) calculated and displayed.

More recently, we’ve added a MyFitnessPal integration so the newer recipes now have a convenient barcode which scans the full recipe directly into your calorie tracker diary for the day – removing the need for you to manually add each recipe ingredient one by one.

And now, we’re ready to release the recipes on a wider scale to help more people stick to eating clean.

Hundreds of breakfasts, snacks, smoothies, dinners, teas.

Step by step instructions for how to make each one.

All easy to acquire ingredients.

And you can have your hands on them all (COMING SOON) in one large online database for just £34!

*DISCLAIMER, the recipes aren’t to replace any advice given by a medical professional or your GP. Seek advice from your GP as you would before making any lifestyle or dietary changes. The recipes are not designed to give you a specific outcome or result apart from eating clean and cutting out additives. Designed to be used alongside a workout routine. Can be used as part of a calorie and macro controlled balanced diet to great effect.

P.S – Simon can help create you a calorie & macro controlled balanced diet as well as an effective gym plan to help you achieve your targets.

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