90% of people who set a target won’t achieve it.

Some get further than others – but in the end – 90% will fall short and give up before achieving their target.

Here’s why….

Typically, someone will set their goal.

Let’s say for this example… lose 120cms and 42lb.

That’d be what a size 18 woman would need to achieve to get down to a size 10.

I know that person will probably need to give 2 years of self-discipline, graft, sacrifice, pain, commitment and focus.

People say ‘That’ll be easier said than done’.

Most people, 90%, won’t achieve it.

Instead, it’s common to spend the next 5 years trying different diets and programmes.

Looking for that magic pill or magic program that will allow a human to transform their life and body shape – without the hard graft, discipline and sacrifice over 2 years.

The program which will allow a human to lose 120cm’s and 42lb without having to accept that you have to scrap your lifestyle habits and replace them with new healthy ones.

People know what to do; they know how to lose weight.

They know they’ll have to exercise more.

Be disciplined outside of the gym.

Sacrifice times where junk food and alcohol will be involved.

But they don’t wanna’ do all those things that it requires.

It’s not easy.

That’s why 90% of people will fail their dream targets.

If it was easy, everyone would be transforming their body and living in their dream physique all the time.

But, the truth is, 90% of people who set out to transform their body – will FAIL!

Because it’s hard.

There’ll be barriers.

Bad days.

Road blocks along the journey.

But anything worth having is worth the struggle, right?

Who cares if it’s easy or not?

Ease isn’t the goal – personal growth is the goal.

The journey to achieving a great body begins the moment our preference for ‘ease’ and ‘comfort’ is over – replaced by ‘acceptance’ that it’s gonna’ be a challenge.

You have to set your mind. Start taking action. No excuses.

Accept the journey.

Accept the hard work, focus, sacrifice and discipline it’ll take.

Then – the journey will be easier.

It’ll only become easier AFTER you have accepted it’s gonna’ be hard.

AFTER you have accepted the only way to achieve your dream body is to stop searching for the magical pill, potion or program.

AFTER you have accepted there is no quick fix, super short term program that can give you all your hopes and dreams.

If you have a target to achieve and don’t want to fall into the 90% category of people that never achieve it.

I want to help you.

I want to create your plans.

I want to keep you accountable and focused so that you don’t quit when it gets tough.

I want to make sure you achieve what you originally set out to achieve.

We start with the 21 or 28 day packages, but these are just to get you started.

Those starter packages ARE starter packages. To get your journey started off.

To see if you wanna’ continue to work with me for a further 3, 6, or 12 months to achieve your target.

The same as the 30+  1-1 clients I currently have active who have completed their 21 day and 28 day challenges to get started off – and then have decided to commit long term to achieve their goal!

This time last year, Bethany made the decision to start with a 90 day package.

Since then she’s lost 85+ cm’s and over 14lb’s of pure body fat.

She’s holding a lot more lean tissues and is the fittest, healthiest, strongest most athletic she’s ever been.

Enjoyed her life a lot in the last 12 months – but she’s still dieting, training and making progress towards her goal in between.

It you remain super focused – the results will be quicker.

If you are desperate to have some lager or wine at the weekend with some junk food and a Sunday dinner – you’ve gotta’ accept the results are gonna’ be slowed down.

If you have to attend events and must drink and eat buffet food – you’ve gotta’ accept – that week all of your hard work will be cancelled out and you won’t lose nowt that week.

But it’s about staying focused in between.

Not allowing one day or one weekend to turn into one week.

Not allowing one week to turn into one month.

So that one day ended up ruining your progress for a full month.

I want to show you how to manage that.

So you can make progress and still live your life.

Very few people will transform their life and body in 6 months.

If you prefer to be super focused, sacrifice everything and go ALL IN for 6 months I can show you how to do that too.

But most people prefer to live a bit. That’s why it’ll usually take 1-2 years to complete the transformation.

If you want to party sometimes – you’ve gotta’ accept it’s going to take longer.

But, you can still do it!

90% of people won’t do it.

They’ll give up.

Fall off the wagon.

“It’s easier said than done” they’ll say.

Of course it’s easier said than done.

Everything is easier said than done.

The truth is, some people after 5-10 years still haven’t made any progress what so ever after stopping and starting – still searching for that super program that holds all your hopes and dreams.

Still have the exact same amount of bodyfat vs lean tissue they had 5 years ago.

If not more bodyfat and less lean tissue.

I will give you EVERYTHING you need to complete that transformation.

Although, I think everyone knows what they have to do… I will hold you accountable to actually DOING IT!

The only two questions are, Do you want to achieve your dream physique?… And, Do you want my help achieving it?

Want my help? Click here to request a call back.  < Just boxes to enter name and number for me to give you a ring.

I’ll give you a bell to discuss what we do, figure out if we can help you.

If we’re both happy, I’ll leave you with some details about how we can start working together to achieve that goal.

Don’t put off any more.

Let’s get started!

Alternatively, if you’re one of these people who doesn’t like to talk on the phone… You can see all other methods to contact me here! 

P.S – If you wanna see real results from real local people from Blaydon, Winlaton, Ryton, Crawcrook, Prudhoe and other sorrounding local areas… go visit my testimonials page.

I have so many transformation papers in the gym to show from people who didn’t want their details posted online.

I have even more from people that didn’t want to be in the limelight at all PLUS others who are doing amazing but still on their journey and don’t have an ‘AFTER’ pic yet – but you’ll meet them for yourself in the gym.

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