As part of my contract with the gym – in 2014 we negotiated that we could try to accommodate and allow some St Thomas More pupils to use the gym at quiet times to benefits from the endless list of benefits that can be gained from the gym.

I personally am in favor of trying to get more of the younger generation off their devices and doing more physical stuff.

I also believe that the mental health issues of our younger generations is a lot worse nowadays, likely due to those said devices – and just elements of society nowadays, as a whole.

The pandemic hasn’t helped and has only added to that.

Whilst the gym has been running at limited capacity and things weren’t quite “normal” I had agreed with the school to pause student use of the gym – but while things seem to have been “more normal” for some time – we have now been renegotiating some student use of the gym.

There were issues with school use before.

The level of respect the students had for the facilities.

Their lack of supervision.

Lack of know how when using the gym.

Their nature and topics of conversation…

And the students’ level of maturity and seriousness when using the facility.

I believe, in new renegotiations – we have addressed all those issues.

There will also be less than HALF the amount of students compared to the amount which would come in pre-pandemic.

I hope you will agree with me that the endless list of benefits that can be acquired from the gym – in terms of physical and mental health is essential for our younger generation to experience…

I also am in favour of trying to get more of our younger generation properly interested in the gym and into health & fitness – instead of being hooked to devices.

And whilst I believe, during our recent meetings we have addressed the mains concerns of the students using the gym – my main priority is YOU, who have been supporting and understanding during what’s been the hardest economical business times which we’ve all faced.


Be it lack of respect, lack of supervision from their teachers, lack of maturity or lack or know how.

Most students you’ll see are full membership, full price paying members.

During the hours of 10.30am and 3pm – you may now begin to see a handful of students the odd time. Not often.

Tuesday’s, Thursday’s & Friday lunchtimes we’ve agreed UPTO 15 students – fully supervised in both rooms, between 12.00 – 13.00. On those days and times, the gym is usually empty.

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