2 years today until I’m 35.

7 years until I make it to 40.

Admittedly, the last 2 years have fucked with my mind – which I’m sure it has for many of you too.

Through the low mood and poor mindset, my main priorities have been:

– Working, Re-building/saving my business.

– Trying to make money to support my family.

– Tick over training.

As I approached my birthday (today) over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been manifesting.

And now it’s time to stop just ticking over – and it’s time to push on.

Although things in society seem to be pretty much normal ish’ – I’ve been waiting for the storm to hit, wondering when the next announcement would be.

Although things appear to be normal ish’ – the covid bullshit seems to still be hanging over me.

And for me, that just hanging on over me has had me ticking over week by week waitin’ for the next narrative.

But, now, I’m done.

Fuck it.

It’s been too long and I’m sicka’ letting time just tick by.

It’s 65 days until new year as I write this.

For me, the Christmas time starts on Christmas eve, eve…. which is 56 days from today as I write this.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve still ate clean 70% of the time.

I’ve still trained and still pretty strong.

But my diet needs to be 85/90% maybe even 95% clean eating.

Training, stretching, foam rolling, massaging and cardio need to be stepped up.

2018 and 2019 were probably the most consistent and disciplined I’d been in my whole LIFE.

2020 came and fucked up all of the progress I’d made physically and mentally.

I had been winning the mental battles inside my head.

You know, the mental battles that kick in when you’re working 70/80hours per week, you finish at 8/9pm at night – and instead of going home…. you stay and do cardio behind closed doors when you really just wanna’ go home and goto bed coz you’re physically and mentally exhausted.

You know, the mental battles that kick in when you’ve worked 15hr days, 3 days straight – and you really wanna’ lie in – but it’s time for fasted A.M cardio.

I was winning them.

I was in routine and in habit.

Then 2020.

I know how long it took and how hard it was to get to that point where you’re in a full automatic habitual routine and those decisions become easy to make.

The inner WIMP voice that trys to tell you justifications starts to subside.

You know, justifications like, “Oh, you’ve worked a lot, just have a lie in – it’ll be areet!”

and, “Oh, you’ve had a long week, just have an extra hour in bed!”

“Oh, your diets been clean all week, one little treat wouldn’t hurt!”

“It’s been a long day, 2 beers wont hurt!”

It’s gunna’ take 6 to 12 months for me to get back there.

And to get to where I wanna’ be – prolly 2 years.

24 months of consistency.

By then we’ll probably be in full modern, digital communism with 8 vaccines.

The uncertainty of the future has been stopping me from pushing on.

But I’ve wasted too much time waiting, humming’ and harring’ about the fact 2 years is a long time to stay focused and disciplined for to reach my goals.

BTW, I can still bench 90kg flat. I can still incline the 40kgs. I can still shoulder press pretty heavy too.

But, I’m not in the shape I wanna’ be in… physically, mentally and conditioning wise too.



… To still be in the same position on my 35th birthday.

Anyone who wants to come along with me and step things up, let’s create a support network.

There’s still gunna’ be some political bullshit and some testing times in the next 24 months.

But whether you’re approaching 18, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 or anything above and in between…

And you’re ready to progress from TODAY and moving forwards…

I’m talking – doing EVERRRYTHINGGG!

Whatever your goals are.

If you don’t have a goal…

It should be, to become the fittest, healthiest, happiest, strongest most confident that you can possibly be.

For some that’s weight loss. For some that’s muscle gain. For some that’s to get shredded. For some that’s to be big, bulky and strong.

Whatever you goal is, the common ground is…

Stopping the excuses. Stopping the justifications. Stopping playing the victim. Stopping as much gaming. Stopping as much drinking. Stopping drugs. Stopping binging TV/series. Stopping as much scrolling.

The diet. The cardio. The training. The supplements. The weekends. The massaging & foam rolling.

The commitment. The sacrifice. The graft. Facing the mental battles. Meal prepping. Organizing. Planning. Facing the truths. Facing the truths…

No matter the size and length of the journey you need to make…

If you’re standing at the base of a mountain…

… and you can see the size of the journey you need to make to undo all your bad habits and create new, healthy ones…

… and you’ve been putting off, because the mountain seems so high that you can’t climb it because there’s too much effort required and the climb is too high…

… Let me know.

Whatever your starting point is.

It doesn’t matter.

If you’re like me…. and can’t take another 1 month of this, never mind another 3 to 6 months of it…

I’m willing to help you.

… If you’re ready to do the work and you don’t know how to begin.

… The gym landline is ready 01914146382

… and my ears are open!

I’m not talking Personal Training.

I’m talking, let’s do this together.

Support each other from wherever we’re starting from.

If you read this, and you decide to do it silently and alone…. I wish you all the best in your success.

If you want support, hit me up. Call, email, message on socials.

Either way, I’m getting back too it all!

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