I’m not sure how many people are gonna’ give a f*** about this – but I figured I haven’t used this blog very much, so I’m going to try something new.

I want to document the day to day struggles I face over the next 9 weeks as I try to balance work and family life with getting the best results I possibly can.

The struggles of weekend temptations.

Eating clean while on our family adventures.

Weekend meal planning to stay on track and not cave in.

Maintaining focus whilst working 75+ hours per week over 7 days. Every week.

And, ultimately, finding the balance between wanting progress and – my love for pizza & ale!


I can typically stay very focused Monday till Friday afternoon – then my progress tends to go out of the window over the weekend, a little bit.

When I’m out and about with Samantha and the kids – I’m always out around either dinner, or tea time – so we eat out.

Then, when we come back home, I often can’t be arsed to cook after our journeys OR, I fancy something that probably wouldn’t ever be part of a diet plan.

People who work 75+ hours over 7 days without ever a day off – and have 3 kids, may understand… But we all know, if you want progress you can never make excuses no matter how much self-pity you have and no matter how hard and testing life gets.

So, for 9 weeks – Note to self – NO EXCUSES, Si.

Weight Training & Core


Over the next 9 weeks I’m splitting training abs/core in to two sections; first 3 weeks train abs only on days I lift, directly after lifting, then – for the remaining 6 weeks – I’m going to train core DAILY.

Just to delve a tiny bit deeper in to my core training – I’m splitting it into upper abs, lower abs, obliques/rotation and, lower back.

For the first 3 weeks I’m going to train 1 section after weights.

For the remaining 6 weeks, I’m going to train all 4 sections every day, 7 days a week.


People that know me know I haven’t ever been a big fan of cardio. Not done it much throughout my training years and I’ve never really achieved a great level of aerobic fitness.

I’ve always been able to row 2000 metres in 8/9 minutes. I’ve always been able to run 1 mile in 8/9 minutes. But, that’s me being honest – my long distance aerobic fitness has never been super.

Ask me to pull 150kg deadlift or incline press the 40kgs and that’s no issue. Well, it’d be a struggle but I’ll manage. However, ask me to run 2 mile in under 20 minutes – I prolly couldn’t do it.

A big reason for that is because – I HATE IT!

But I have discovered – I do enjoy functional style cardio and conditioning. SO, for 9 weeks I’m mixing in regular cardio with functional circuits.

In total, I’m aiming to complete 2-4 cardio sessions ON TOP OF – my lifting sessions.

These are complete separate workouts and, mostly at total different times of the day to when I lift.

Yoga, Rehab, Relaxation & Stretches 

I’m 30 now. Find it very hard to remain flexible AND, I’ve had injuries.

This part is VERY important for me to ensure I can maintain this level of training for a solid 9 weeks.

YOU CANNOT destroy your body daily through cardio, weights, diet and functional training – physically and mentally – and expect it to keep going without taking measures to properly recover from the stress.

In the past I’ve had a rotator cuff injury in my shoulder (subscapularis) and lower back injury (herniated disk) which then ultimately led to sciatica – which I had down my left side for 16 months.

Whilst we’re on the subject of disruptors to my progress – I’ve also suffered from bad anxiety and depression.

So, this section is very important for me to keep my mindset right and keep focused.

But also to keep my body, specifically my shoulder and lower back – healthy.

Stretches & Relaxation DAILY!

I’m experimenting with hot yoga, once per week too.

Rehab like foam rolling, and rehab exercises for my ankles, hips and shoulders 2-4 times per week.


I’m currently using:
– Gaspari Myofusion as my main protein.
– AminoLast & Grunt as my AA’s around training and fasted cardio.
– Alphamen, Creapure, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and USN 19-Anabol Testo.
– Glycofuse as performance carbs when needed.

I’ll be looking to add:
– Green Tea Extract
For the last 4 weeks I may consider a thermogenic.


I currently track and analyse EVERYTHING.

I use FitBit, MyFitnessPal and my own app Simon Coles Fitness Services to monitor my heart rate, steps, calories burnt, food intake and training output.


I am 191.25lbs and 5ft7″. I am currently analysing my progress @ 2600kcals per day – 195g protein 260g carbs no more than 100g sugars and 87g fats split 3 ways equal – no trans fat.

That’s all for now, wish me luck AND – I’d love for people to join in. Get started with me by getting focused, planned and organised.

Nothing for sale here – just documenting my progress and probably more so – my struggles.

That’s all for now.

I’ll try to update couple of times per week.



P.S – Any questions or feedback, drop them below in the comments section 🙂

    1 Response to "Introduction – Week 1 of 9 Verdict! 53 Days Left…"

    • Vicki Macphail

      Great blog Si! I previously did a lot of hot yoga and loved the affect on not only my body but also my mind. I can highly recommend the nurturing flow classes at hotpod in Jesmond 🙂

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