I am here to serve you. I want to help as many people as possible finally understand the RIGHT WAY to GET LEAN, GET FIT & BUILD RAW MUSCLE & STRENGTH.

The way the supplement cartel in the magazines want you to do things is WRONG!

The way the supermarkets are laid out to entice you is always IMPOSSIBLE to resist!

What the main stream media and the TV programs portray as healthy is INACCURATE!

The way commercial main stream diets like Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Slim Fast and Atkins teach you to “DIET” is downright UNHEALTHY and an INSULT to peoples lack of knowledge about the HUMAN BODY!

The way the hierarchy want you to live to LINE THEIR POCKETS is RIDICULOUS. Everybody has to EAT right? Food purchase is GUARANTEED profit for them. But the hierarchy have allowed for all these harmful processes.

The harvesting and farming methods. The chemicals added too – or sprayed all over fresh produce. NEW GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms)! “FOOD” is not even real any more.

The factories modifying and engineering produce too:

-Produce larger fruit.
-Produce more fruit.
-Produce more colourful fruit.

-Produce fruit faster.

Ask yourself why? The answer is simple. PROFIT!

A little more on GMO. Scientists engineer viruses or bacteria into the DNA code of a live plant to alter the strain. This is usually to provide one of the outcomes above – BUT, it can also be to tactically “BREED” the plant to resist a bacteria or virus.

EXAMPLE – Engineers have transferred genes into corn that force the corn to produce a PROTEIN that kills insects. Thus, the corn effectively producing it’s own insecticide from within.

You can see it’s clever and reasoning behind it. Prevent the crops from being over run by insects that risk PROFITS.


THE DNA disrupts the functioning of other genes and INCREASES toxins and allergens in foods.


If you’re piling foods into you that are almost guaranteed to increase inflammation, flood your body with toxins and even other UNFORESEEN consequences – It’s creating havoc with your body inside.

If you buy from the supermarket, GMO & NONE ORGANIC foods, that are filled with  ARTIFICIAL sweeteners – like aspartame and sucralose… PLUS additives, colouring, dyes AND – preservatives like Mono-Sodium Glutamate, various ACIDS, TRANSFATS, NITRATES & NITRITES, SULPHIDES, Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), Potassium Bromate! …..

….. I’m gonna go ahead and say it…. YOU WILL NEVER BE OPTIMALLY LEAN & HEALTHY!!

To truly get FIT, HEALTHY, LEAN, TONED & STRONG… You have to work WITH YOUR BODY! … And I intend to help you understand exactly how to do that RIGHT HERE!

– There are probably 10-20 fruits, veg and salad I’d advise investing in the organic version.

– You CANNOT buy fish that is bred and FARMED! It’s fed on powder, pumped with chemicals, filled with antibiotics and is empty of nutrients.

– You CANNOT buy supermarket MEAT! Again, animals that are pumped with chemicals, growth hormones, antibiotics to prevent diseases, fed on grain and not able to roam free is a sure fire way to produce UNHEALTHY MEAT! PLUS – It doesn’t even taste nice. If you’ve never invested in meats that have come from free roaming animals fed on a live natural wild diet – you’re missing out! It’s not even any more expensive than the horrible supermarket shite.

– You CANNOT get all of your nutrients from pills and potions! You must eat fresh salad, fruit and veg sourced from better grocers or grown locally.

– You CANNOT eat a diet high in processed, refined and shitty carbohydrates. Breads, pastas, cereals, muffins, bagels…. opt for oats, rice, sweet potato/potato.

– You CANNOT replace meals with shakes, powders or meal replacements bars. The body is designed to absorb proteins, fats and nutrients from REAL FOOD. Synthetic versions are a “SUPPLEMENT” too a healthy diet and NEVER a “REPLACEMENT”

It’s not easy.

You’ve gotta be serious about being lean and healthy to change your thinking and start doing THE OPPOSITE of what the MASSES do.

The MASSES do what they do because that’s the way we are misled to live our lives.

Sometimes people even “THINK” they are being healthy – and when I explain things, it’s clear that what they thought was healthy – isn’t actually that healthy.


Gone are the days as a kid I used to goto the allotment with my parents and pick out the fresh veggies that were ready.

It was great finding a live bright green caterpillar in the cabbage. Spiders webs all over the greenhouse. Massive garden worms because the soil was so healthy.

Using the garden WELL to water the plants. They didn’t need fertilisers or feeds – just some good old local cows manure, water and sunlight.

But that takes time right? The hierarchy don’t have TIME. They need PROFITS NOW!

My Offer To You

I want to go in to all this stuff much more in depth.

My goal is to make a difference whilst I’m here on Earth.

I’m going to try my best to cut through the bullshit. Put the world to rights from a health & fitness point of view.

Help as many people as I can finally understand  – to get results you have to have a breif understanding of how YOUR human body works and work WITH IT – not against it.

I have a brand new Newsletter.

If you’re keen to make a change… I want you as one of my readers.

There’s so much bullshit being send to your email in a bid to make sales… And whilst, I own a gym and I am a Personal Trainer – I am also passionate about helping people make positive changes.

I want to focus on helping people. You can take my advice and use it for FREE and put it into your own actionable plans.

Occasionally, I will make you aware of how I can help you put all of this information into easy to follow step by step plans – but ultimately – my goal is to send quality emails couple of times per week with information and advice that will hopefully make a difference in this horrible world.

Join My Brand New Newsletter

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