The 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Challenge – IS NO MORE!

But – the new version of the 21 day challenge is on the horizon.

And it’s no longer about fat loss…….

It’s just a 21 day challenge… for anyone, with any goal, with a SIGNIFICANT new focus on the mindset, mental health, mental toughness element!

I created the original 28 day challenge back in 2011.

I adjusted and added after the first few hundred people followed it.

Then in 2016, I made some major updates that totally transformed how it should be done.

… The changes came with a full overhaul of the design and method.

With that overhaul I changed the name to The 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Challenge 2.0.

Since 2016, a few more hundred people have tried it…

Everything that you have to do in the challenge is based on 15 years of my experience and knowledge.

It’s all for good reason – and I know that it has the drastic power to totally transform your life and body.

But… the key word above there is… “tried”. Not completed.

Since the 2016 2.0 version more than a usual amount failed when trying.

They got to the end of their 21 days – but the majority had adjusted, tweaked, changed, deviated, compromised or failed somewhere.

I don’t believe it’s because it’s unrealistic or too hard.

Although, that’s what it feels to a lot of people.

And… unfortunately it is what is required to get the results.

However, that being said, if I can’t get people to complete it correctly, without deviation or compromise – then…. how are people gunna’ experience the full potential of the results that are possible compared to when the challenge is done properly??

Since 2016 – a lot has changed in the fitness world… and the world in general.

As a gym coach and nutrition expert it is no longer enough to create the best diet plans and training plans and the best training advice.

… If people can’t stick too it.

Anyone can have the best plans in the whole entire world – but if they can’t stick to the plans…. there will be no results.

Gym coaches or nutrition coaches are able to write amazing plans.

But aren’t usually equipped to get people to actually adhere to those plans.

Anyone in the last 15 years who’ve trained with me will tell you – I try to guide more about the discipline, mindset, focus, determination, grittiness that is required outside of the gym and outside of your gym sessions with me.

Since the 2016 2.0 version most of my study and professional development as a trainer has been in the field of MINDSET.

Everything has always been mindset.

But – many people lack the ability to create and remain in the right mindset.

Me included.

The last 4 years I’ve heavily invested in the nutrition/diet element of my coaching.

… Spending multiple 4 figures working with professional chefs, other nutritionists and graphic designers so that I outright own the design, license and image rights to almost 1000 new healthy, tasty, clean eating recipes.

And I’ve mostly invested my own time into the mental health/mindset element of my coaching.

That began because it was an area I needed to work on for myself – personally – for my own progress.

I’ve had great knowledge and experience on training, dieting and coaching for many, many years.

I also – never struggled for motivation or poor mindset when I was younger.

BUT – after experiencing some very dark, hard, testing, depressive and suicidal times (which I’ve talked about in many previous posts if you wanna’ know more).

I ended up pretty mentally weak.

No matter what I did. I failed at what I what I said I was going to do.

I could never stick to what I REALLY wanted to stick too.

I new why.

I had goals.

I new what I wanted to do it for.

I just couldn’t follow through with it.

(I’ve talked about that in many previous blog posts too)

Soo… While I had the knowledge of mindset/motivation… That I had acquired for myself personally…

The last 4 years I’ve been delved into that topic EVEN MORE.

Mental toughness. Mindset. Motivation. Psychology.

In the new 21 day challenge – I put everything I know TO DATE… COMBINED!

15 years in the industry, day in day out, training clients, talking to people in the gym. Studying. Reading. Learning. Working with people from all different walks of life.

Way over double the required amount of hours to be technically labelled an EXPERT.


I want to announce to you:

The NEW, 2022 version – The 21 Day Challenge……. 3.0! <<< The best product/program I’ve designed to date – by far!

…. Which includes a few new elements as discussed, new structure, more guidance on what to do and how to do it!

The new elements are there to assist with the MINDSET, MENTAL TOUGHNESS, Self Discipline, Focus, Goal Setting, Motivation issues, mostly.

Due to things in society over the last 5 years…. and more so….. the last 2 years of political bullshit – the mental health and mindset of the nation as a whole is on it’s fucking knees.

Many people are wanting to now get fit or healthy – know what they have to do – but can’t push themselves to do it!

Many people don’t know how to get motivated.

Many people don’t know how to get in the right frame of mind – and then maintain it.

Many people – if they actually looked in the mirror and told themselves the COLD, HARD, TRUTH – they’d have to admit to themselves that they’re WEAK MINDED!

That’s not wrong.

It’s actually pretty common.

But, here’s the reality…

Knowledge on how to fix it is WORTHLESS – without ACTION!

This program requires ACTION!

The 21 Day Challenge 3.0 gives the rules YOU MUST FOLLOW for 21 days…

If you fail… you start over at DAY ONE.

You start over again and again and again as many times as it takes until you finally complete a full 21 days.

Zero compromise. Zero deviation. Zero adjustment. Zero tweaking. Zero alteration. Zero fluctuation.

There are 8 things YOU MUST DO – EVERY SINGLE DAY.

They are there for GOOD REASON.

Whether you think so or not.

You may not tweak or adjust to make it suit you.

It’s hard. It’s supposed to be inconvenient. It’s supposed to be a challenge. It’s supposed to test you. It’s supposed to make YOU have to adapt.

BUT – you will learn things about yourself.

You will develop in all areas of your life.

You will improve mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually.

Your career, your body, your health, your sex life, your income, your relationships will all benefit.

But all of those things do not happen without a MAJOR realization and up hill struggle first.

There will be many mental battles to win.

There will be a lot of sacrifices.

There may even be tears.

If you think you can’t do it… or that it’s too hard for you…

… All the more reason why you should do it!

The skills and traits and mental toughness gained from this will transfer and help you in all areas of life.

All that’s left is for you to find out the details and what you need to do to complete the challenge.

That is a post for another day.

Or, if you don’t wanna wait, and you wanna’ be one of the first to new people to try version 3.0 and like the sound of it….

Contact me.

The first 20 people who take the 21 day challenge with personal training, gym membership and gym/diet plans to follow will get a special discount!

I look forward to the new era of what this NEW 21 Day Challenge can do for people.

And I look forward to helping you all give it a try.

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