… This comes after a conversation last week basically went like this…

“Si, instead of trying to get people to do what you believe in – why don’t you just create a wkd low calorie/cardio style weight loss program which 99% of people think they need/want and sell that. It’d be easier, less stressful and likely make money easier!”


I’d be a helluva’ lot more successful if went against what I believe in and just provide diet plans and programs to help people “lose weight” and cater to what the most people want.

My programs promote the requirement for hard work, discipline, graft, grit, fortitude, resilience, persistence, progression, change, targets and transformation.

Commitment, dedication, sacrifice and focus!

Not a problem > pill solution.

Not a quick fix. Not a magic potion > instant result product.

And I will NEVER stand down from what I believe in and provide a “weight loss” program.

I will NEVER support a program that provides “weight loss” supported by certain foods, bars, drinks products, pills, potions and powders for more PROFIT – and at the complete and utter EXPENSE & NEGLECT of your future and long term health!

I’d rather lose my gym, and take down my name from above the door – than stand down from what I believe in…

… Just because it may be more profitable, easier and I could be more successful.

Eat Clean. Train Hard. Stay Focused.

Get fit, healthy, strong and lean.

Fat loss over weight loss.

Inches and clothes sizes lost over what the scales say!

Self confidence and self esteem over what the scales say!

Nutrients over E numbers.

Creating a body where you are happy with what you see in the mirror AND with how your clothes fit!!

Eating a healthy amount of foods that mother nature intended – not chemically processed & packaged products!

I’ve been offered to be bought before. Multiple 5 figure deals from numerous brands.

This is about more than money.

When people follow my programs – and experience the feeling of achieving their final, life long body goals, often times – coming back from critical illness…

… And they come to me in the end and say, Si, from the bottom of my heart – THANK YOU!

That means more to me than anything.

The reward and satisfaction I get from those times is SINGLE HANDEDLY the reason why my name is above my own gym door.

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