… And I don’t advise anyone I care about to do so either.

So much propaganda, fear mongering and manipulated data to encourage you to think a certain way.

If you want to be happy, successful, and stay positive all day – while I do understand it is the world that we live in… I’d still suggest avoiding watching the news is a useful strategy.

It’s not that I don’t care, I just want to protect myself from the constant negativity.

I just don’t trust MSM(Main Stream Media), scientists and celebrities who are bought a paid to say specific things.

Anyway…. Here’s what the MSM and elite won’t tell you about getting/staying fit and healthy!

Lift weights 3-5 days per week.

Run, hike, walk, bike, row, skate, ski, surf, skip, paddle, climb, jump, throw. Do ANYTHING!

Eat mostly foods you can catch, pick, grow or kill.

Get 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

Lose excess bodyfat.

Spend 2 hours per day outside breathing fresh air and boosting your vitamin D levels.

Drink lots of pure, clean, BPA & Fluoride free water.

Cut out sugar, trans fats, industrial seed oils, fast food, drugs and booze.

Get 10,000 steps per day, everyday.

Get 12 massages per year, or regularly foam roll/theragun your muscles.

Meditate. (Frequently empty your mind, properly)

Go to sleep and wake up at the same time, 7 days per week.

Laugh out loud daily.

Stop sitting so much.

Stop smoking.

Practice breathing and relaxation techniques.

Build great, true, deep relationships and friendships with a lot of people.

Spend lots of quality time with people you love.

Take personal responsibility.

Stop scrolling and getting digitally distracted.

No one is coming to save you.

Only you control your health.

Only you control the appearance of your body.

Only you control how much money you make.

Only you control how people treat you.

Only you control how much or how little self confidence you have.

It’s time to take ownership of everything.

To live at a higher standard.

To take your physical and mental performance to the next level.

It’s time to step up and become the hero you’re meant to be.

And if you don’t know where to start…

You don’t know the best way to go about it……

How to make the changes safely and effectively…

…You know what you NEED to do… but you just can’t seem to actually DO IT…


This is not about money!

My name is above that gym door to HELP people.

When someone comes back to me and says, Simon – THANK YOU!

That means more to me than any money.

Sure if you want my support 1-1 it’s gunna cost. A lot.

But this is not about that.

I provide a gym, with a comfortable environment and all of the equipment you need for transformation to happen.

Call me.

I have all the time in the world for people who are serious and ready to begin making drastic changes and I’ll help as much as I can.

This last 14 months has been horrific and has taken a serious mental toll on a lot of people.

A gym membership is £4.60 per week, and as long as your not a time demon – actually listen and implement my advice and don’t waste my time… I’ve got all the time in the world to help as much as I can!

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