Happy Friday everyone 😀

I hope that this post is good news for you.

So, I have wanted to ensure I got this info 100% correct before I post an update! (4 Min Read)

I have reviewed building plans and been in with my large architectural tape measure to triple check everything😂

You may have read that gyms require 100sqft of space for each person they can allow into their facility.

This is to allow ample air flow between each person.

The space includes, “all customer useable areas”.

That means for me, including corridors, entrance/seating area, changing rooms, w/c’s, cardio room and separate weights room ….. I have way over 3000sqft.

With the new gym layout, I also have over 30 usable “zones” which are all a MINIMUM of 2 meters apart from each other. NOT including toilets, seating areas, changing rooms, toilets etc.

After reviewing the sign in books for previous JANUARY’S…..When I had 300+ members……

There was very, very, very RARELY a time when we had over 30 people in at any one time.

NOW, membership is capped at 150, as you are now aware.

I see no reason, given all this information, as to why we need to use a booking system.

The purpose of this message is to CONFIRM – there will be no prior booking system for the gym. (Just for PT sessions)

However, I will be putting a LIMIT to 25 people in the facility at any one time to allow people to move around freely. (Though, with only 150 members, I am confident and doubt this will ever be a problem)

Session limits, time limits, other restrictions and prior booking WILL NOT be necessary to begin with HOWEVER, may be introduced if I need too.

So please, attend during “quiet periods”, where possible to prevent me from needing to introduce limiting measures.

We advise the quietest periods as…… Between 11-4pm weekdays. Between 11-2 on weekends.

In conclusion, while I appreciate this is blunt – my point is…

If you come in, train hard, try to keep your session to 1 hour, avoid all unnecessary conversation then sign out….

Try to attend during weekends, and day times where possible…..

Then I should be able to avoid imposing restrictions and prior booking systems, which would be a pain in the arse for everyone.

I hope this will come as good news to you, rather than the hassle of:

  1. Pre booking online for every session 1 week in advance.
  2. Missing planned sessions.
  3. Having to adjust and rearrange online every time you want to change your gym session.
  4. Only being allowed to attend 3 times per week, at set times, for 1hr MAX.

All of this WILL not be necessary if everyone tries their best to get in, enjoy their workout using all the proper equipment rather than faffing on at home with bodyweight exercises and minimal equipment – keep workouts intense, and go.

Other COVID19 gym guidelines on new socially distanced training “zones”, sanitizing, socially distanced workouts, wiping down equipment, changing rooms/showers etc… will all be up over this weekend – so stay tuned 🙂

Also, today is #FREERECIPEFRIDAY – see Facebook for more info on that 😀

    2 replies to "Booking systems, session restrictions, time limits… Or not?"

    • Ken Pollard

      Hi Simon,

      Found time at last to look at your website properly! That all sounds good. I shall try to visit in quiet times. Do you still have the spinning bike available in the gym? And can I just confirm please that there will still be access to the changing room and showers?

      Thanks, Ken

      • sicoles

        Hi Ken,

        I’ll try to call you again, but to answer your question here for others who may be reading….

        The changing rooms are OPEN, but only 2 in at a time. The showers are NOT currently open. I cannot keep up cleaning them down after every single use as well as the rest of the gym.

        The advice is, to turn up pretty much ready to go and avoid using the changing facilities, if at all possible.

        One spin bike is available in the main gym, cardio room, in it’s own zone.

        Thanks Ken,


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