Our goals are usually bigger than we are right now. So compared to our goal we are smaller, further away and currently NOT able to achieve it… Because if we could achieve our goal… We would already have it.

The person you are now and the person you will be AFTER you achieve your goal, you need to accept – are two different people.

And between the person you are now and the person you will become – there is a large gap.

A gap that needs to be bridged.

A gap that I PERSONALLY am still in the process of bridging.

Here is how to start bridging that gap!

The bridge over that gap is all within what we call – SELF DEVELOPMENT.

The habits and lifestyle changes you need to make to build the skills required to become the person you want to be to achieve your targets.

Let me say that again.

Personal development is the habits and lifestyle changes you need to make to build the skills required to become the person you want to be to achieve your targets.

Self development is basically replacing bad habits with better ones. And, that is easier said than done.

People say “It’s about lifestyle!”, “It’s all about habits!”, “You’ve gotta change your lifestyle!”

While we know that – it’s hard. It’s hard to make change.

Un-learning skills and learning new, better skills.

Skills like having more confidence, self worth, self belief, stamina, fitness, health, endurance, self esteem, grit and fortitude.

And yes, these are SKILLS. They aren’t traits.

They aren’t written into your DNA.

They are skills that you can develop and grow.

Skills that can also be applied to all areas of life as well as in the gym.Skills you’ll need to get stronger, fitter and leaner.

Skills which you need to start winning the constant battle inside your head to stay motivated, committed, focused and disciplined.

Skills that will ensure you start repeatedly WINNING the constant battles inside your head which you are currently losing.

So, personal development is what bridges the gap between where you are right now and the goal you desire.

Growing and developing as a person so that what is currently out of reach as the person you are now – becomes reachable.

To achieve your ultimate targets – the transformation inside your mind will be 1000x what your external transformation looks like.

And unless you can make those changes alone then that’s when it becomes important to hire a coach to support you.

That’s where I come in.

If you want my help & support to become the fittest, strongest, healthiest, leanest, most confident and successful version of yourself….

…. And accept my challenge to ensure you at least experience what it feels like…. How your life is impacted by living a few days inside the best version of yourself that you can be.

Most people will never experience that and spend their whole life procrastinating and yo-yo’ing.

Don’t be “most people”.

Start bridging that gap – brick by brick.

Message me to get started. Here.

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