This is a BASIC, BULLET POINT LIST of what you need to do for the NEW 21 Day Challenge 3.0!

The FORMAL literature and documentation includes support, guidance, structure, support, help, accountability, tasks – when you actually sign up for it. We provide example meal plans and FREE recipes to help add variation to the clean eating diet element.

Obviously, if you would like personal training, to have us work with you, ensuring your technique in the gym is perfect, and to book your sessions in with us to have us help you with the training element – then there is an additional cost.

If you wanna’ find your own diet plans, own training plans, and don’t want personal training then the program is FREE to sign up for!

If you wanna’ use my gym, you will need to sign up for a standard gym membership. You can go to any other gym or train at home.

See below the 8 PILLARS of the 21 Day Challenge 3.0!

  1. Create a pic board of images which include goals and dreams about the reality you wanna’ live!
    Cars. Homes. Happy family spaces. Garden spaces. Destinations you wanna’ visit alone or as a family. Gym motivation. Example physiques you wanna’ have.

Regularly and DAILY visualize your life if you had those things and use it as inspiration. Place the pic board images in your phone. Have the images printed then – dot them around your home or pin them all onto a board and place it somewhere you’ll see it often. On your work desk. Somewhere you’ll see it regularly at home. OR do it all!

2. Pick and follow a CLEAN EATING diet with physical improvement of your own goals in mind.

TRACK MACROS!! Do not stack days. No empty calorie foods. Absolutely no junk food.
Whether you wanna’ get lean, toned, lose clothes sizes or gain size, muscle & strength create purchase or find a diet plan.
(Absolutely NO cheat meals, NO alcohol.)
(We can create you one, not generic – custom tiered, designed for you personally with your goals in mind.)

3. Pick and follow a training plan. Again, with physical improvement and your goals in mind.

Find one. Create one. Purchase one. (Again, we can create you one, not generic – custom tiered, designed for you personally with your goals in mind.)

On the training element:

  • You must complete 24x minimum 45 minute training sessions in 21 days.
  • (12 cardio based – at home, in garden, in garage, outdoors/run/walk or in gym)
  • (12 weights based)
  • Stretching, recovery work, foam rolling will need to be done additionally.

    4. Take a progress picture every single day.

Simple. Easy to do. Lots of people fail to do the simple stuff. You need these daily pictures for multiple reasons. They aren’t to be shared or shown to anyone. Create a folder and store them for yourself.

5. Drink a minimum of 2 litres of CLEAN fluoride and BPA FREE water per day. Ideally 3 or 4 litres including that which you drink during workouts.

6. READ a MINIMUM of 10 pages of a NON-FICTION BOOK – EVERY DAY. Listening to an audiobook does NOT COUNT!

7. No digital devices of any kind WITHIN 3 hours of going to bed.
(No TV, no games, no phone, no Netflix, no Kindle NOTHING!)

8. After taking your regular shower, turn the shower to cold for 5 minutes per day. Stay in the cold water, focus on your breathing. Use common sense. But it is supposed to be a challenge. It is supposed to be uncomfortable.

The point of the program is – it’s meant to be hard. It’s supposed to make you uncomfortable. It’s supposed to be inconvenience. It’s supposed to challenge you.

Use common sense with everything mentioned in the program.

Health recommendations.


Do not start the 21 day challenge if your GP advises against it. You must consult your GP as you would before starting any diet or fitness regimen. But this program may require additional lifestyles changes that your GP may advise against depending on your current circumstances and health.

Let me make this CLEAR! Taking responsibility to talk to your GP about whether you’re good to start is a REQUIREMENT of the program.

But, because I know a lot of you will take no notice I want to add…

Do not do something that risks your health. I.e – exercising outdoors in dangerous weather conditions. Listen to your GPs advice and use common sense when changing your diet or fitness regimen. I personally felt light headed when I first began taking cold showers. Take a few days to work it cooler and cooler before it’s too much all at once if you have never done it before. Take notice of the instructions and requirements of the individual diet plans or training plans you may follow. Dietary changes may require a gradual transition period before you are able to complete the 21 day program in full and that is a likely scenario for MOST PEOPLE.

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