Body Part Implants! (Pecs, Abs, Glutes)

Body Part Removals! (Ribs, very common)

Cosmetic Work! (Tummy Tucks, Lipo, Botox, Lips, Body Lifts, etc…)

…. and the big one……..

Performance Enhancing Drugs & Chemicals! (EXTREMELY PREVAILENT BUT HIDDEN, VERY COMMON, usually amongst influencers, physique models and competitors & other fitness athletes/trainers but even in your friends and fellow gym buddies!)

THEN – on top of all that….

You’ve got image editing, angles & lighting!!(Almost every image online utilizes these)

All of the above are STILL causing the average person to strive for UNATTAINABLE & UNHEALTHY goals in UNREALISTIC timeframes!

It’s also causing people to feel like shit because society tries to make people compare themselves to others and people they see online!!

Add to that feeling of low confidence and low mood the fact that programs, trainers and social media that PROMOTE and GLORIFY the ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION of your bodies and your LONG TERM HEALTH!

They absolutely PROMOTE & GLORIFY short term, quick fix, highly restrictive diets, extremely difficult to follow diets, unproductive programming, water manipulation, and many other unhealthy practices!!

For most programs, influencers and companies – it’s about greed and profit!

It’s good for you if you never use common sense.

It’s good for them if you never reach your goals and targets.

It’s good for them if you never research and learn!

It’s good for them if you continue to buy slimming world bars, weight watchers wine and their ding dinners and ready meals!

It’s good for them if you keep buying slim fast shakes and other pills, potions and powders!

You’ve got to stop looking for the quick fix and easy way out!


You’ve got to go through the WORK!

You’ve gotta’ accept the commitment, the discipline it’s gunna’ take, the sacrifices, the habitual changes…

BUT, you also don’t have to figure it all out alone.

This is what we do!

Simplify it for you…. to save you TIME, EFFORT & MONEY!

We’ve sifted through all the bullshit and provided methods for you to follow – step by step!

You’ve just gotta’ make the call to find out how it’ll work for you………

0191 414 6382!

Talk soon.

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